Bangladesh has literally the worst education and school system, even worse than the Indian and Chinese education system. It is not only talking about this country’s system trying to reveal the dark truth. So, everyone can be aware before it’s too late. Every guardian, student and even though most of the teachers are very dissatisfied with new curriculum. No doubt it is totally frustrating. Nation ultimately losing to build up the leading generation. Ultimately, it is turning into a deeper national crisis. Recent general publics’ reaction is more severe. Who will take this charge? Who will bear this loss? Who will take care to overcome the situation ? Its very basic and fundamental asking of nation. Nation needs to know how and nation also urge for solution.
Why Bangladeshi school and education system is so bad and cruel and not as easy but effective as the school and education system of Western countries. In the new educational curriculum the parental involvement has been eliminated which is also very alarming.
Fifty years and above have passed since we achieved our independence. But we could not bring any positive chances in our education system. As a result, our expectation for development remained an illusion. We don’t give the students the time be fitted education. That’s why we can’t keep peace with the technology of modern world and lag far behind from the development countries. In Bangladesh we purchase luxury cars, we make beautiful palace which are visibly symbols of development. But these are like face powder development. The real development is in the development of education. It is true that in every government education institution.
There is always corruption and irregularities. Every the government sanctions a lot of money for the development of education, but the money absorbed illegally by the concerned authority of the institution. In Bangladesh corruption is in every sector. Our sacred education sector is not free from corruption.
Very pertinent time now to review and correct Bangladesh’s education system in terms of policy-making, e.g. the process of formulation, the contents, and monitoring of implementation. In the context of the human rights approach to education. It is urgently needed right policy formulation and execution. Possible directions that the State of Bangladesh can pursue for enhanced implementation of the right to education in the country. Analysing the follow-up action plan of the study should suggests what more needs to be done in order to streamline the country’s education process in accordance with human rights principles. The rights-based approach having well-defined principles of participation, accountability, transparency, equality, non-discrimination, universality, and indivisibility can have significant value addition in the education sector in Bangladesh.
The universalization of basic education is set to be one of the great policy successes of the century, yet millions are still unenrolled, and many of those who attended school learned little. The ‘learning crisis’ now dominates the education policy agenda, yet little is understood of why education quality reforms have had so little success compared to earlier expansionary reforms. It discusses debates about the sources and determinants of the learning crisis, examining its extent and nature and providing a rationale for the key themes the book takes up in subsequent theoretical, empirical, and comparative.
Educated, well-trained, student-friendly, broad knowledge about the subject matter, curriculum, disciplined and awareness of classroom management technique, also have a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. It can be their punctuality and regular attendance, preparation of written lesson plans, collection of local teaching aids in classrooms, identification and additional support to low performing students, attention and participation to regular staff meetings, attendance and participation in subject-specific meetings, participation in-service training, maintenance of school performance record. Many teachers do not have fruitful training. They are not capable to serve accordingly.
The latest curriculum is good one but question has arisen its effectiveness and implementation in our context.
Whether all stakeholders are ready to adopt and implement the system. It has revealed that the system is not responding rightly and not meeting the expectation. But in the developing country like in Bangladesh is not expected more experiment and trail and error otherwise the SDG plan will not rach in the target. Nation will suffer over the period. It is observed that it is influenced subsequent policy and strategy discourses in relation to the national goal of achieving quality and equity in Universal Primary Education in Bangladesh. Where there is problematized the complexities of ensuring a more equitable approach to participation in primary education in Bangladesh to ensure learning for all. In particular, it analyses the disparities in school participation of children coming from a variety of socio-economic status and uncovers the multiple layers of inequality that a child is likely to experience during schooling based on privileges or lack thereof attendant to their demographics. It is experiencing that the project is needed to help to regain students’ and guardians’ interest and confidence in education by offering alternative emergency arrangements. It should keep in mind that there are strong and significant relationships between educational experience, it is through students’ psychosocial engagement in their learning that the best academic achievements can be realized. It is believed that mix of young and experienced scholars would facilitate supplementary insider and outsider perspectives into generating objective albeit highly personally relatable experiences through the wide range of studies.
It is suggested that the policymakers and administrators should address the identified factors immediately for ensuring quality in Bangladesh. We should keep in mind that quality education and educational system are obvious and backbone of the nation. If the there is human resources disaster happens that will irreparable.
Author: Columnist and Company Secretary, The City Bank Limited